Applications of statistical and related methods to new technology and product development process — Part 5: Solution strategy
统计和相关方法应用于新技术和产品开发过程 - 第5部分:解决策略
ISO 16355-5:2017描述了为新产品开发解决方案策略的过程。由于组织可以通过客户驱动或技术驱动的解决方案集来解决其新产品开发过程,本文档将解释这两种备选方案。它提供了有关使用适用工具和方法的建议,提供了将客户的声音(VOC)和利益相关者的声音(VOS)转化为产品、服务、信息和过程属性的指导,将客户和利益相关者需求的优先级转化为这些属性的优先级,然后开发技术、成本和,属性的可靠性计划。
ISO 16355-5:2017 describes the process of developing a solution strategy for new products. Since organizations can address their new product development process by a customer-driven or a technology-driven set of solutions, this document explains both alternatives. It provides recommendations on the use of the applicable tools and methods, offering guidance on translating the voice of the customer (VOC) and voice of the stakeholder (VOS) into product, service, information, and process attributes, transferring the priorities of the customer and stakeholder needs into priorities for these attributes, and then developing technology, cost, and reliability plans for attributes.
Users of this document include all organization functions necessary to ensure customer satisfaction, including business planning, marketing, sales, research and development (R&D), engineering, information technology (IT), manufacturing, procurement, quality, production, service, packaging and logistics, support, testing, regulatory, and other phases in hardware, software, service, and system organizations.