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现行 ACI 447.1R-18
Report on the Modeling Techniques Used in Finite Element Simulations of Concrete Structures Strengthened Using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Materials 纤维增强聚合物(FRP)加固混凝土结构有限元模拟中使用的建模技术报告
发布日期: 2018-08-01
使用纤维增强聚合物(FRP)作为外部粘结钢筋加固钢筋混凝土(RC)构件已被广泛用于提高结构构件的抗弯、抗剪和轴向承载力,或其任何组合。虽然实验测试主要被用作唯一的研究方法,但有限元(FE)等数值技术也逐渐发展起来,为结构表征提供预测模型。经过良好校准的有限元模型有可能扩大实验数据的范围,提供有关难以使用实验仪器测量的重要参数的信息,并有助于设计可能无法进行测试的需要复杂FRP加固的系统。 本报告提供了FRP加固钢筋混凝土构件建模领域的最新进展,并提供了最佳建模实践的一般指南,这些最佳建模实践捕捉了混凝土开裂和压碎、混凝土剪切保持力、混凝土断裂能、钢与混凝土粘结行为、FRP与混凝土界面、FRP脱粘破坏模式、,和FE网格依赖性。
The strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) members using fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) as externally bonded reinforcement has been widely used to enhance the flexural, shear, and axial capacity, or any combination thereof, of structural elements. Although experimental testing has been used predominantly as the sole method of investigation, numerical techniques such as the finite element (FE) method have also been gradually developed to provide predictive models for structural characterization.Well-calibrated FE models have the potential to expand the range of experimental data, provide information on important parameters difficult to measure using experimental instrumentation, and aid in the design of systems requiring complex FRP strengthening where testing may not be possible. This report provides a state-of-the-art review in the area of modeling of FRP-strengthened RC members and provides general guidelines on the best modeling practices that capture the complex phenomenon of concrete cracking and crushing, concrete shear retention, concrete fracture energy, steel-to-concrete bond behavior, FRP-to-concrete interface, FRP debonding failure modes, and FE mesh dependency.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国混凝土学会