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现行 RP-862
Development of a Methodology to Design and Predict the Part Load Performance of a Energy Ventilator/Energy Recovery Device 开发一种设计和预测能量呼吸机/能量回收装置部分负载性能的方法
ASHRAE研究项目862“准确设计和预测能量回收呼吸机/能量回收装置部分负载性能的方法开发”的目标是:(1)提出空气-空气能量交换器的现场测试程序,(2) 准确监测入口和出口特性,并计算四种不同类型的空气-空气能量交换器的性能,(3)分析每个系统的误差或不确定性收集的数据,(4)将结果与理论结果进行比较,(5)以对工业有用的形式关联结果,以及(6)报告结果并撰写论文。本报告对几种空气-空气热/能量交换器的文献、现场和实验室数据及其分析、旋转能量轮的新理论/数值模型及其在各种操作条件下的验证进行了全面和批判性的回顾,并对ANSI/ASHRAE标准的变更提出了建议。 84“测试空气-空气热交换器的方法”,以使其适用于安装在建筑物内的实验室和现场系统。
ASHRAE Research Project 862 "Development of a Methodology to Accurately Design and Predict the Part Load Performance of an Energy Recovery Ventilator/Energy Recovery Device" had as its objectives:(1) to propose field testing procedures for air-to-air energy exchangers,(2) to monitor accurately the inlet and outlet properties and calculate the performance of four different types of air-to-air energy exchangers,(3) to analyze the collected data for errors or uncertainty for each system,(4) to compare the results with theoretical results,(5) to correlate the results in a form useful to industry, and(6) to report on the findings and write papers.This report contains a comprehensive and critical review of the literature, field and laboratory data and their analyses for several air-to-air heat/energy exchangers, a new theoretical/numerical model for a rotary energy wheel, and its validation for a wide range of operating conditions, and recommendations for changes to ANSI/ASHRAE Std. 84 "Method of Testing Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers" so that it can be adopted for both laboratory and in situ field systems installed in buildings.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类