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现行 SAE ARP5571C
Gas Turbine Engine Performance Presentation and Nomenclature for Object-Oriented Computer Programs 燃气轮机发动机性能演示和面向对象计算机程序的命名
发布日期: 2018-05-07
本文档为使用面向对象编程系统的吸气式燃气涡轮发动机性能建模的几个方面提供了建议。命名法、应用程序接口和用户界面的重点是命名法。数值推进系统仿真(NPSS)建模环境在本文档中经常用作原型。许多标准建议源自NPSS标准。选择NPSS是因为它是一种可用的产品。本文推荐的实践可以应用于其他面向对象的系统。 虽然本文件广泛适用于任何燃气涡轮发动机,但是绝大多数发动机性能计算机程序在历史上都是为飞机推进系统编写的。飞机和推进术语和例子贯穿始终。
This document provides recommendations for several aspects of air-breathing gas turbine engine performance modeling using object-oriented programming systems. Nomenclature, application program interface, and user interface are addressed with the emphasis on nomenclature. The Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS) modeling environment is frequently used in this document as an archetype. Many of the recommendations for standards are derived from NPSS standards. NPSS was chosen because it is an available product. The practices recommended herein may be applied to other object-oriented systems. While this document applies broadly to any gas turbine engine, the great majority of engine performance computer programs have historically been written for aircraft propulsion systems. Aircraft and propulsion terminology and examples appear throughout.
归口单位: AEROC