Coal — Determination of bulk density for the use in charging of coke ovens
ISO 23499:2013提供了锥形程序的说明,用于测定尺寸小于37 mm的粉碎煤的未压实体积密度,例如装入焦炉的煤。它关注的是在没有压实力的情况下,材料流入测量容器(箱)而产生的未压实的煤炭体积密度。
ISO 23499:2013不包括测定压实煤体积密度的程序,也不包括细煤或粉煤(用于锅炉或公用事业)的试验,也不包括测定储煤堆中煤的体积密度。
ISO 23499:2013 provides description of a cone procedure for determining an uncompacted bulk density of crushed coal less than 37 mm in size, such as is charged into coke ovens. It focuses on the uncompacted bulk density of coal resulting from flowing the material into a measuring container (box) in the absence of compacting forces.
ISO 23499:2013 does not cover procedures for determining a compacted coal bulk density nor to the testing of fine or powdered coal (for boiler or utility application) nor to the determination of bulk density of coal in storage piles.