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现行 SA-12-C008
Field-Test of the New ASHRAE/CIBSE/USGBC Performance Measurement Protocols for Commercial Buildings: Part I Intermediate and Advanced Level Indoor Environmental Quality Protocols 新ASHRAE/CIBSE/USGBC商业建筑性能测量协议的现场测试:第一部分中高级室内环境质量协议
本文介绍了在德克萨斯州中部的一座案例研究大楼中,开发和应用现场测试来评估美国卫生研究院/CIBSE/USGBC性能测量协议(PMP)中级和高级印度环境质量(IEQ)性能协议的初步结果。根据中级和高级IEQ协议,开发了一个综合仪器车,用于从几个IEQ相关参数收集连续数据,包括:四个级别的空气和全球温度、湿度、空气速度、CO2、VOCs、水平和垂直照度水平,以及a加权和C加权声压水平。2011年7月至9月,利用开发的仪器车,在案例研究大楼的几个办公空间进行了连续IEQ测量。除了仪表测量之外,乘客的权利- now同时进行了热感觉和舒适度的调查。然后对收集的数据进行分析,并与PMP推荐的适当基准进行比较。引用:ASHRAE Trans。,第118卷第。德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥2号
This paper presents the preliminary results of an effort to develop and apply a field test to evaluate theASHRAE/CIBSE/USGBC Performance Measurement Protocols (PMP) Intermediate and Advanced Level IndoorEnvironmental Quality (IEQ) performance protocols in a case-study building in Central Texas. In accordance with theIntermediate and Advanced Level IEQ protocols, a comprehensive instrumentation cart was developed to collect continuousdata from several IEQ-related parameters, including: air and globe temperatures at four levels, humidity, air speed, CO2,VOCs, horizontal and vertical illuminance level, as well as A-weighted and C-weighted sound pressure levels. Using thedeveloped instrumentation cart, continuous IEQ measurements were conducted in several office spaces of a case-studybuilding from July to September 2011. In addition to the instrumented measurements, an occupant 'right-now' survey ofthermal sensation and comfort was concurrently conducted. The data collected were then analyzed and compared with theappropriate PMP recommended benchmarks.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类