Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification-From requirements to a range of electrification systems
BS PD IEC/TS 62257-2:2015 proposes a methodological approach for the setting up and carrying
out of socio-economic studies as part of the framework of decentralized rural electrification
projects. It is addressed to project teams and in particular to experts in charge of socioeconomic
studies in international projects.The amount of detail gathered and the requisite number of experts needed would depend on
the scale of the proposed project. For large projects involving many households, a detailed
study would be required, for a project which involves a single or few households, the study
could be truncated.The information coming from such preliminary studies could be used for several purposes,
such as more complete economic and financial studies of the electrification project.This technical specification also provides some structures as technical solutions that could be
recommended, depending on the qualitative and quantitative energy demands, consistent with
the needs and financial situation of the customers.Then, in relation with each model of the proposed range of systems, electrical architectures
are proposed to technical project managers to assist in designing the systems.Cross References:IEC 60617 DBIEC 62257-9IEC 62257-12All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.