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现行 SAE J1204_202312
Wheels - Recreational and Utility Trailer Fatigue Test Procedure and Performance Requirements 车轮 - 娱乐和实用拖车疲劳测试程序和性能要求
发布日期: 2023-12-07
本SAE推荐实践为客车、轻型卡车和多用途车辆牵引的旅行、露营、船只和轻型多用途拖车的正常公路服务的铁和铝车轮的疲劳测试提供了统一的程序和最低性能要求。卡车车轮的程序和最低性能要求见SAE J267,客车车轮的程序和最低性能要求见SAE J328。对于客车和轻型卡车车轮(内径小于0.10 m)应用于此拖车服务,请使用此程序。对于较重的卡车车轮(插入0.10米(或更大))的应用,请使用SAE J267。移动家庭服务超出了本文档的范围。 描述了两种基本测试程序,即转弯疲劳测试和径向疲劳测试。转弯试验针对轮盘;而径向测试还检查车轮的轮辋和连接部分。这两个测试程序都是对车轮进行彻底检查所必需的。
This SAE Recommended Practice provides uniform procedures and minimum performance requirements for fatigue testing ferrous and aluminum wheels intended for normal highway service on travel, camping, and boat and light utility trailers drawn by passenger cars, light trucks, and multipurpose vehicles. For procedures and minimum performance requirements for wheels used on trucks, see SAE J267, and for wheels used on passenger cars, see SAE J328. For the application of passenger car and light truck wheels (inset less than 0.10 m) to this trailer service, use this procedure. For the application of heavier truck wheels (inset 0.10 m (or more)) use SAE J267. Mobile home service is outside the scope of this document. There are two basic test procedures described, a cornering fatigue test and radial fatigue test. The cornering test is directed at the wheel disc; whereas the radial test also examines the rim and attachment portion of the wheel. Both test procedures are required to obtain a thorough examination of the wheel.