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现行 BS 7960:2016
Door supervision. Code of practice 门卫 业务守则
发布日期: 2016-10-31
BS 7960:2016给出了有关组织、人员配备、, 提供门控服务的公司的运营和管理, 无论是承包的还是内部的,都适用于特许经营场所或活动。它还提供 对其他个人、公司、组织和指定人员的建议 提供或雇佣门卫的场所门卫。注1:建议门卫的公司和其他雇主: 本英国标准中的建议不一定符合当地的具体要求 管理局或安全行业管理局(SIA)的要求,以及他们需要 分别确认自己在这方面的责任。注2:SIA上提供了有关许可场所解释的指南 网站1)。交叉引用:BS 7858BS ISO 10002BS ISO/IEC 17799BS ISO/IEC 27001PD 5454《2001年私营保安业法案》许可法案2003年许可法案2005年许可令1996年罪犯改造法案1974年公司法案2006年数据保护法案1998年庇护和移民法案1996购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修正案包括在内。
BS 7960:2016 gives recommendations for the organization, staffing, operation and management of companies providing door supervision services, whether contracted or in-house, to licensed premises or events. It also provides recommendations to other individuals, companies, organizations and designated premises supervisors who provide or employ door supervisors.NOTE 1 Companies and other employers of door supervisors are advised that the recommendations in this British Standard do not necessarily fulfil the specific local authority or Security Industry Authority (SIA) requirements, and that they need to satisfy themselves separately as to their responsibilities in that respect.NOTE 2 Guidance on the interpretation of licensed premises is provided on the SIA website 1).Cross References:BS 7858BS ISO 10002BS ISO/IEC 17799BS ISO/IEC 27001PD 5454Private Security Industry Act 2001Licensing Act 2003Licensing Act 2005Licensing Order 1996Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974Companies Act 2006Data Protection Act 1998Asylum and Immigration Act 1996All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会