Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings-Code of practice for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of emergency voice communication systems
BS 5839的这一部分为建筑物内和周围以及体育、娱乐和类似场所的应急语音通信(EVC)系统的规划、设计、安装、调试和维护提供了建议。它不建议在特定场所是否安装紧急语音通信系统。交叉引用:BS 476BS 5499-1BS 5839-1:2002+A2:2008BS 7671BS 9999:2008BS EN 54-2:1997+A1:2006BS EN 54-3BS EN 54-4:1998+A2:2006BS EN 54-16:2008BS EN 54-
23BS EN 60529BS EN 60702-1BS EN 60702-2BS EN 60118-4BS EN 61672-1BS 5839-8BS 7594BS 7846BS 8233购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
This part of BS 5839 provides recommendations for the planning, design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of emergency voice communication (EVC) systems in and around buildings and at sports, entertainment and similar venues. It does not recommend whether or not an emergency voice communication system is installed in a given premises.Cross References:BS 476BS 5499-1BS 5839-1:2002+A2:2008BS 7671BS 9999:2008BS EN 54-2:1997+A1:2006BS EN 54-3BS EN 54-4:1998+A2:2006BS EN 54-16:2008BS EN 54-23BS EN 60529BS EN 60702-1BS EN 60702-2BS EN 60118-4BS EN 61672-1BS 5839-8BS 7594BS 7846BS 8233All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.