For Mesa Consolidated Water District (Mesa), a replacement funding analysis led
to the development of a unified asset inventory serving the needs of engineering,
operations, maintenance, and financial reporting. This allowed Mesa to integrate
four major components of its asset management system:
medium- to long-range capital replacement and refurbishment (R&R) planning
based on a comprehensive and detailed asset inventory;
financial and funding strategies related to R&R needs;
short term planning, budgeting, and recording of routine maintenance on an
asset-by-asset basis; and,
geographical representation of assets (GIS) to help manage distributed
infrastructure assets.
Managers now have confidence that decisions are made based on reliable and
accurate data, and everybody has access to the same asset information. Effort spent
on data management is minimized due to the elimination of duplication of data and
the need for synchronization among different asset listings.
Includes figures.