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现行 ASME STP-NU-045-1
Roadmap to Develop ASME Code Rules for the Construction of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors (HTGRS) 制定ASME高温气冷堆(HTGR)建造规范的路线图
发布日期: 2012-06-30
该路线图是作为研发和代码开发任务的指南制定的,在制定高温气冷堆(HTGR)规则时可以考虑这些任务。路线图的主要重点是为下一代核电站(NGNP)拟定一套完整的设计和运行条件规则。近期的第一部分活动侧重于根据现有ASME II第1部分NH小节规则和现有规范案例制定ASME III第5部分规范规则。第一阶段的活动还包括将新的石墨规则纳入第5部分。中期活动也包含在第二阶段的路线图中。中期活动侧重于高温服务和适用于未来高温气冷堆设计的先进设计方法。 本路线图不包括非常长期的活动,例如为HTGR开发基于风险或基于系统的代码规则。
The Roadmap has been developed as a guide to the R&D and Code development tasks that could be considered in developing rules for High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors (HTGR). The primary focus of the Roadmap is on the development of a complete set of rules for the design and operating conditions that are being proposed for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP). The near-term, Part I activities focus on development of ASME III, Division 5 Code rules based on the existing ASME II, Division 1, Subsection NH rules and existing Code Cases. The Phase I activities also include incorporation of the new graphite rules in Division 5. Intermediate term activities are also covered in the Roadmap in Phase II. The intermediate term activities focus on higher temperature service and advanced design methods applicable to future HTGR designs. Very long term activities, such as the development of risk-based or system-based code rules for the HTGR are not covered in this Roadmap.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国机械工程师协会