This product is a zip file that contains files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker, PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3 format) as noted.There are many tools available to the modern HVAC designer, capable of modeling different aspects of building performance at different levels of detail. Even though there are trade-offs when choosing one tool over another there are applications that require the benefits of more than one tool. This seminar will focus on combining various modelling tools to design data centers and commercial spaces. The combination of various methodologies including CFD, flow network modeling, city building energy models and multizone methods will be presented and the applications and drawbacks of each will be discussed.Bridging the Scale DivideMark Seymour, Member, Future Facilities, London, United KingdomStrategizing Building Ventilation System Operations for Energy Saving and Mitigating COVID-19 Infection Risks By Coupling Weather Forecasting and City Building Energy ModelsLiangzhu Wang, Concordia University, Montréal, QC, CanadaCoupling Potential-Flow and Flow-Network Models for Fast Data Center Thermal AnalysisJames VanGilder, P.E., Member, Schneider Electric, Andover, MACoupled CFD-Multizone-Modelica Models for Dynamic Simulation of Indoor Environment and HVAC SystemsWangda Zuo, Ph.D., Member, University of Colorado, Boulder, COCFD As a Cutting-Edge Tool in Energy Saving and Cost ReductionReza Ghias, Ph.D., Member, SIMULATIONPRIME LLC, Rockville, MD