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现行 BN-97-03-4
Inhibited Ethylene and Propylene Glycols for Corrosion and Freeze Protection in Water-Based HVAC Systems 抑制乙烯和丙二醇在水基暖通空调系统中的腐蚀和防冻作用
工业抑制乙烯和丙二醇广泛用于防止设备因腐蚀和冻结而损坏。本文将描述这些二醇的正确使用,包括系统准备、流体安装和流体维护。讨论了使用这些二醇对系统运行的影响,以及克服传热下降的方法。从这次讨论中,我们可以清楚地看到,为什么汽车防冻剂配方不应用于供暖、通风和空调(HVAC)系统。还包括乙烯和丙二醇水溶液的物理性质、爆裂与防冻的概念、腐蚀试验的典型结果,以及用于监测每种应用的流体的方法。单位:双引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,第卷。 103第二部分,波士顿1997
Industrially inhibited ethylene and propylene glycols are used extensively to provide protection against equipment damage due to corrosion and freezing. This paper will describe the proper use of these glycols, including system preparation, fluid installation, and fluid maintenance. The impact of the use of these glycols on the operation of the system is discussed along with methods for overcoming any declines in heat transfer. From this discussion, it will become clear why automotive antifreeze formulations should not be used in heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. Also included are data on the physical properties of aqueous solutions of ethylene and propylene glycol, the concept of burst vs. freeze protection, typical results of corrosion tests, and methods to use to monitor the fluid for each application.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类