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现行 ISO/IEC 4922-2:2024
Information security - Secure multiparty computation - Part 2: Mechanisms based on secret sharing 信息安全.安全多方计算.第2部分:基于秘密共享的机制
发布日期: 2024-03-06
ISO/IEC 4922-2:20 24本文件规定了基于ISO/IEC 19592-2中规定的秘密共享技术的安全多方计算机制的过程。基于秘密共享的安全多方计算可用于机密数据处理。可能的应用的示例包括数据保密的协作数据分析或机器学习、隐藏每个投标价格的安全拍卖以及维护私钥保密性的执行加密操作。 该文档指定了包括但不限于加法、减法、常数乘法、共享随机数生成以及乘法及其参数和属性。本文档描述了如何使用这些机制和秘密共享技术来执行安全函数评估。
ISO/IEC 4922-2:2024 This document specifies the processes for secure multiparty computation mechanisms based on the secret sharing techniques which are specified in ISO/IEC 19592-2. Secure multiparty computation based on secret sharing can be used for confidential data processing. Examples of possible applications include collaborative data analytics or machine learning where data are kept secret, secure auctions where each bidding price is hidden, and performing cryptographic operations where the secrecy of the private keys is maintained.
This document specifies the mechanisms including but not limited to addition, subtraction, multiplication by a constant, shared random number generation, and multiplication with their parameters and properties. This document describes how to perform a secure function evaluation using these mechanisms and secret sharing techniques.
发布单位或类别: 国际组织-国际电工委员会
归口单位: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27