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现行 ASTM D8445-22a
Standard Practice for Measuring Chemical Emissions from Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Insulation Samples in a Large-scale Ventilated Enclosure 测量大型通风外壳中喷涂聚氨酯泡沫(SPF)绝缘样品的化学排放物的标准实施规程
发布日期: 2022-09-01
1.1 本规程描述了在大型通风外壳中测量喷涂聚氨酯泡沫(SPF)绝缘样品的挥发性和半挥发性有机化合物(VOCs和SVOCs)化学排放的程序。 1.2 本规程用于确定SPF应用期间以及应用后三天内的排放率和因素。 1.3 这种做法可用于为研究活动生成排放数据,或为通知潜在的重返和重复使用时间而建模。潜在的重返和重新入住时间仅适用于符合制造商指南且特定于受试配方的应用。 1.4 本规程描述了在环境室和基板温度和相对湿度条件下的排放测试,识别了不同的室内和基板温度及相对湿度下的化学排放可能不同。 1.5 本规程并未解决所有SPF化学排放物。本规程涉及潜在健康和监管问题的特定化合物,包括亚甲基二苯基二异氰酸酯(MDI)、聚合MDI(MDI低聚多异氰酸酯混合物)、阻燃剂、醛类和VOC,包括发泡剂和催化剂。尽管在本实践中讨论了特定的化学品,但其他感兴趣的化合物也可以量化(参见 附录X1 ). 本规程不涉及SPF中使用的其他化合物,如多元醇、乳化剂和表面活性剂。颗粒大小和分布也不在本规程的范围内。 1.6 应用过程中的排放率由空气相浓度测量值确定,其中可能包括颗粒结合的化学品。SVOC在地板和天花板上的沉积也被量化,用于应用后建模输入。SVOC排放率应仅用于数据收集期间的建模目的。 1.7 描述了异氰酸酯的四种定量方法。所选方法应考虑安全问题,如易燃性、预期浓度、相关阶段(施用期间和施用后)异氰酸酯气溶胶的存在,以及测试的SPF是高压还是低压。 1.8 本规程参考了化学排放试验用全尺寸试验箱的设计、建造、性能评估和使用的类似标准规程。 1.9 本规程参考了空气样品的采集和分析方法。 1.10 本规程适用于使用高压或低压安装加工规程和设备加工的双组分开孔和闭孔SPF绝缘系统配方。 1.11 以国际单位表示的数值视为标准值。本标准不包括其他计量单位。 1.12 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。 在通风的外壳中应用SPF可能会产生危险情况,使负责喷涂插件的个人处于危险状态。本标准的使用者有责任制定适当的健康和安全程序,并要求适当的认证个人防护装备(PPE),以尽量减少化学接触。在使用SPF期间和之后进入通风外壳的人员,无论时间长短,都应穿戴合适的PPE。 1.13 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.14 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 =====意义和用途====== 5.1 随着对能源效率的重视程度提高,家庭和商业建筑对SPF隔热材料的需求也有所增加。为了保护因使用SPF而导致的贸易工人和建筑物居住者的健康和安全,必须确定使用SPF的结构的重返/再次使用时间。 5.2 本规程进行的大规模通风外壳研究中确定的化学排放浓度可用于生成室内空气质量模型的源排放术语。 5.3 使用本规程确定的排放系数可用于评估在其他环境中确定的排放因子的可比性和可扩展性。 5.4 本规程旨在确定受控房间环境中SPF隔热层排放的化学品的排放系数。 5.5 可以喷洒新的或现有的配方,并且可以通过此实践评估排放。本规程的用户负责确保分析方法适用于新配方中存在的新化合物(参见 附录X1 目标化合物和通用制剂)。 5.6 这种做法可能有助于测试非理想应用的排放变化。非理想应用的示例包括不符合比例的应用、超出推荐温度和相对湿度范围的应用或超出制造商推荐厚度的应用。 5.7 确定的排放系数并不直接适用于SPF的所有潜在实际应用。虽然此数据可用于VOCs估算三天后的室内环境浓度,但预测浓度的不确定性随着时间的增加而增加。 不建议估算SVOC的长期化学浓度(超过三天),除非使用了其他数据(超出本规程),请参见 ( 1. ) . 4. 5.8 在使用SPF期间,沉积在未使用表面(例如地板和天花板)上的化学品是SPF气相排放和过度喷涂的结果。用目前的分析方法很难将这两个过程分开。目前,这两个过程如何影响长期排放量的差异尚不清楚。此实践将这两个过程结合起来,生成用于建模输入的数据。
1.1 This practice describes procedures for measuring the chemical emissions of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) from spray polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation samples in a large-scale ventilated enclosure. 1.2 This practice is used to identify emission rates and factors during SPF application and up to three days following application. 1.3 This practice can be used to generate emissions data for research activities or modeled for the purpose to inform potential reentry and reoccupancy times. Potential reentry and re-occupancy times only apply to the applications that meet manufacturer guidelines and are specific to the tested formulation. 1.4 This practice describes emission testing at ambient room and substrate temperature and relative humidity conditions recognizing chemical emissions may differ at different room and substrate temperatures and relative humidity. 1.5 This practice does not address all SPF chemical emissions. This practice addresses specific chemical compounds of potential health and regulatory concern including methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI), polymeric MDI (MDI oligomeric polyisocyanates mixture), flame retardants, aldehydes, and VOCs including blowing agents, and catalysts. Although specific chemicals are discussed in this practice, other chemical compounds of interest can be quantified (see target compound and generic formulation list in Appendix X1 ). Other chemical compounds used in SPF such as polyols, emulsifiers, and surfactants are not addressed by this practice. Particulate sizing and distribution are also outside the scope of this practice. 1.6 Emission rates during application are determined from air phase concentration measurements that may include particle bound chemicals. SVOC deposition to floors and ceilings is also quantified for post application modeling inputs. SVOC emission rates should only be used for modeling purposes for the duration of data collection. 1.7 Four quantification methods are described for isocyanates. The method chosen should consider safety issues such as flammability, the expected concentration, the presence of isocyanate aerosol during the phase of interest (during and post application), and if the tested SPF is high or low pressure. 1.8 This practice references similar standard practices for design, construction, performance evaluation, and use of full-scale chambers for chemical emission testing. 1.9 This practice references methods for the collection and analysis of air samples. 1.10 This practice applies to two-component open cell and closed cell SPF insulation system formulations that are processed using high-pressure or low-pressure installation processing practices and equipment. 1.11 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.12 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. The application of SPF in a ventilated enclosure has the potential to generate a hazardous condition putting the individual responsible for spraying inserts at risk. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate health and safety procedures and require appropriate certified personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize chemical exposure. Individuals entering the ventilated enclosure during and after SPF application, for any amount of time, are expected to wear appropriate PPE. 1.13 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.14 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 The demand for SPF insulation in homes and commercial buildings has increased as emphasis on energy efficiency increases. In an effort to protect the health and safety of both trade workers and building occupants due to the application of SPF, it is essential that reentry/reoccupancy-times into the structure where SPF has been applied, be established. 5.2 Concentrations of chemical emissions determined in large-scale ventilated enclosure studies conducted by this practice may be used to generate source emission terms for IAQ models. 5.3 The emission factors determined using this practice may be used to evaluate comparability and scalability of emission factors determined in other environments. 5.4 This practice was designed to determine emission factors for chemicals emitted by SPF insulation in a controlled room environment. 5.5 New or existing formulations may be sprayed, and emissions may be evaluated by this practice. The user of this practice is responsible for ensuring analytical methods are appropriate for novel compounds present in new formulations (see Appendix X1 for target compounds and generic formulations). 5.6 This practice may be useful for testing variations in emissions from non-ideal applications. Examples of non-ideal applications include those that are off-ratio, applied outside of recommended range of temperature and relative humidity, or applied outside of manufacturer recommendations for thickness. 5.7 The determined emission factors are not directly applicable to all potential real-world applications of SPF. While this data can be used for VOCs to estimate indoor environmental concentrations beyond three days, the uncertainty in the predicted concentrations increases with increasing time. Estimating longer term chemical concentrations (beyond three days) for SVOCs is not recommended unless additional data (beyond this practice) is used, see ( 1 ) . 4 5.8 During the application of SPF, chemicals deposited on the non-applied surfaces (for example, floors and ceilings) are the result of both gaseous phase emissions from the SPF and overspray. It is difficult to separate these two processes with current analytical methods. At present, the difference in how these two processes impact the long-term emissions is not known. This practice combines these two processes to generate data for modeling inputs.
归口单位: D22.05