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现行 Advanced Energy Design Guide for Grocery Stores
Achieving 50% Energy Savings Toward a Net Zero Energy Building 实现净零能耗建筑50%的节能
《食品杂货店高级能源设计指南》是一系列建议中的第五个,旨在为实现ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA标准90.1-2004最低规范要求的50%节能提供建议。50%的节能目标是实现净零能耗建筑的下一步。净零能耗建筑的定义是,每年从外部资源中获取的能量等于或小于使用现场可再生能源提供的能量。ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA标准90.1-2004提供了固定的参考点,并作为所有50%先进能源设计指南的一致基线和尺度。本指南主要介绍大小在25000到65000平方英尺(含中等面积)之间的杂货店- 低温冷藏箱和步入式冷藏箱。本指南中的信息可与《中大型零售建筑高级能源设计指南》中的信息相结合,并可用于包含杂货和百货的大型商店。本指南不包括停车场、校园公用设施(如冷冻水和蒸汽)、用水或污水处理。每个气候区的具体节能建议汇总在一个表格中,允许承包商、咨询工程师、建筑师和设计师轻松实现高级节能,而无需详细的能源建模或分析。 此外,本指南还讨论了集成设计的原则,以及如何利用这些原则实施节能策略。本书还包括一章,阐述了杂货店的设计理念。本章主要介绍制冷以及制冷与其他建筑系统之间的相互作用。“如何实施建议”一章中包含了一个扩展的技巧和方法部分。这些提示与推荐表相互参照。本章还包括额外的“额外”建议,以确定将更大的节能纳入建筑设计的机会。 本指南中的案例研究和技术示例说明了这些建议,并在实际应用中演示了这些技术。联合赞助商包括美国建筑师协会(AIA)、北美照明工程学会(IES)、美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)、美国能源部(DOE)。关键词:AEDG、能效、食品杂货、制冷、步行检查引用:ASHRAE图书
Advanced Energy Design Guide for Grocery Stores is the fifth in a series designed to provide recommendations for achieving 50% energy savings over the minimum code requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004. The energy savings target of 50% is the next step toward achieving a net zero energy building, which is defined as a building that, on an annual basis, draws from outside resources equal or less energy than it provides using on-site renewable energy sources. ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 provides the fixed reference point and serves as a consistent baseline and scale for all of the 50% Advanced Energy Design Guides.This Guide focuses on grocery stores ranging in size from 25,000 to 65,000 ft2 with medium- and low-temperature refrigerated cases and walk-ins. The information in this Guide can be combined with that in Advanced Energy Design Guide for Medium to Big-Box Retail Buildings and used for larger stores that consist of both grocery and general merchandise. This Guide does not cover parking garages, campus utilities such as chilled water and steam, water use, or sewage disposal.The specific energy-saving recommendations are summarized in a single table for each climate zone and allow contractors, consulting engineers, architects, and designers to easily achieve advanced levels of energy savings without detailed energy modeling or analyses.In addition, this Guide discusses principles of integrated design and how they can be used to implement energy-efficient strategies. A chapter addressing design philosophies for grocery stores is also included. This chapter is devoted primarily to refrigeration as well as the interaction between refrigeration and other building systems.An expanded section of tips and approaches is included in the "How to Implement Recommendations" chapter. These tips are cross-referenced with the recommendation tables. This chapter also includes additional "bonus" recommendations that identify opportunities to incorporate greater energy savings into the design of the building.Case studies and technical examples throughout the Guide illustrate the recommendations and demonstrate the technologies in real-world applications.Co-sponsors include The American Institute of Architects (AIA), Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES), USGBC, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)Keywords: AEDG, energy efficiency, grocery, refrigeration, walk-ins
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