Introductory Text1.Citation and commencement2.Interpretation3.Clandestine entrants: penalty payable in respect of each clandestine entrant4.Clandestine entrants: period within which a penalty must be paid5.Clandestine entrants: prescribed control zone6.Clandestine entrants and passengers without proper documents: period within which a notice of objection must be given7.Clandestine entrants and passengers without proper documents: period within which the Secretary of State must inform the objector of his decision8.Clandestine entrants: issue of a penalty notice in relation to detached trailers9.Sale of transporters: notice of proposed sale10.Service of documents11.Sale of transporters: period within which the power of sale must be exercised12.Sale of transporters: period after which the power of sale may be exercised13.Sale of transporters: application of proceeds of sale14.Presumptions about service of documents15.RevocationSignatureExplanatory Note