Introductory Text1.Title, commencement, application and interpretation2.Notice claiming to exercise the right to buy3.Notice in reply to tenant’s right to buy claim4.Initial notice of delay5.Initial notice of delay - landlord’s counter notice6.Operative notice of delay7.Prescribed particulars to be contained in the notices8.Revocations, savings and transitional provisionsSignatureSCHEDULESSCHEDULE 1FORM WRTB1NOTICE CLAIMING TO EXERCISE THE RIGHT TO BUYSCHEDULE 2FORM WRTB2NOTICE IN REPLY TO TENANT’S RIGHT TO BUY CLAIMSCHEDULE 3FORM WRTB3INITIAL NOTICE OF DELAYSCHEDULE 4FORM WRTB4INITIAL NOTICE OF DELAY - LANDLORD’S COUNTER NOTICESCHEDULE 5FORM WRTB5OPERATIVE NOTICE OF DELAYSCHEDULE 6REVOCATIONSExplanatory Note