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现行 KC-19-A001
Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer of R410A and ZnO Nanolubricant Mixture in a Smooth Tube R410A和ZnO纳米润滑剂混合物在光滑管内的两相流传热实验研究
在空调和制冷系统中,制冷剂携带少量压缩机润滑油,并循环至系统部件。在热交换器中,油可以作为污染物,影响传热和压力损失。关于纳米润滑剂的文献,即分散在制冷剂和油混合物的非挥发性成分中的纳米颗粒,已显示出增强热交换器性能的潜力。然而,纳米润滑剂强化传热的机理仍不清楚。一些已发表的两相流沸腾模型假设纳米流体的传热增强,但这些模型缺乏实验验证。 这项工作旨在通过在9.5 mm(0.375 in.)光滑铜管中呈现R410A和ZnO基纳米润滑剂混合物饱和两相流沸腾的新实验传热系数和压降数据来解决这一差距ID.选择用于研究的非球形氧化锌纳米颗粒(20至40 nm)分散在质量浓度为20 wt.%的RL32-3MAF聚烯烃(POE)润滑剂中。在光滑管中,与R410A-POE混合物相比,热导率和运动粘度更高的R410A-ZnO纳米润滑剂混合物表现出传热系数的降低和更低的压降,此外,ZnO纳米颗粒在光滑管内壁上显示出沉淀。 引用:2019年年度会议,密苏里州堪萨斯城,扩展摘要
In air conditioning and refrigeration systems, a small amount of the compressor lubricating oil is carried with the refrigerant and it circulates to the system components. In heat exchangers, oil can act as a contaminant affecting heat transfer and pressure losses. Literature on nanolubricants, that is, nanoparticles dispersed in the non-volatile component of a refrigerant and oil mixture, have shown potential to augment the performance of heat exchangers. However, the mechanisms of heat transfer enhancement due to the nanolubricants are still not well understood. Several published models for two-phase flow boiling postulates heat transfer enhancements for nanofluids, but these models lack experimental validation. This work aims to address this gap by presenting new experimental heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop data for the saturated two-phase flow boiling of pair of R410A and ZnO based nanolubricant mixture in a smooth copper tube of 9.5 mm (0.375 in.) ID. Non-spherical ZnO nanoparticles (20 to 40 nm) chosen for the study were dispersed in RL32-3MAF Polyolester (POE) lubricant at a mass concentration of 20 wt.%. In smooth tube, R410A-ZnO nanolubricant mixture with higher thermal conductivity and kinematic viscosity than R410A-POE mixture showed degradation in heat transfer coefficient and had lower pressure drops, in addition the ZnO nanoparticles showed sedimentation on inner wall of the smooth tube.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类