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现行 ISO 3337:2000
T-slot cutters with cylindrical shanks and with Morse taper shanks having tapped hole T型槽刀具圆柱形柄和莫尔斯锥形柄具有螺纹孔
发布日期: 2000-07-27
本国际标准规定了带平直圆柱柄或平直圆柱柄的T形槽刀具的尺寸 螺纹柄和带有螺纹孔的莫氏锥柄。 本标准适用于制造设备用机床T形槽的工具 符合ISO 299。 带普通圆柱柄或扁平圆柱柄和螺纹柄的T形槽刀具适用于 按照ISO 299从5毫米到36毫米(含5毫米)生产插槽;带有莫尔斯锥柄的是 适用于根据ISO 299从10毫米到54毫米(含)的槽的生产。
This International Standard specifies the dimensions of T-slot cutters with plain or flatted cylindrical shanks, with threaded shanks and with Morse taper shanks having tapped hole. It applies to those tools which are intended for manufacturing T-slots for machine tools for equipment, in accordance with ISO 299. T-slot cutters with plain cylindrical shanks or flatted cylindrical shanks and with threaded shanks are suitable for the production of slots in accordance with ISO 299 from 5 mm to 36 mm inclusive; those with Morse taper shanks are suitable for the production of slots in accordance with ISO 299 from 10 mm to 54 mm inclusive.
归口单位: ISO/TC 29/SC 9