Today's public utilities face many contemporary issues such as the impending "brain
drain" as a result of boomer generation retirements, potential privatization, increased
expectations of customers, and escalating costs for infrastructure materials and labor.
Meeting these challenges requires proper planning. For a utility, proper planning starts
with strategic planning. Realizing the inherent benefit, Loudoun County Sanitation
Authority (LCSA), Leesburg, Virginia, undertook the strategic planning process in-house. To do
so, senior staff met to identify initiatives they felt were important to move LCSA forward.
From this, a team was formed to create the strategic plan in 2001. The plan was
subsequently updated in 2005 to make "mid-course" corrections and extend the planning
period. By creating the plan in-house, LCSA learned several lessons. First, it is invaluable
to undertake the process with an internal team. Second, a "bottom up" approach works
well. Third, the plan should be published and well distributed. Fourth, implementation is
bolstered by assigning initiatives to individuals and then assessing their performance in
completing the initiatives. Includes 5 references, figures.