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现行 ISO 9012:2023
Gas welding equipment — Air-aspirated hand blowpipes — Specifications and tests 气焊设备吸气手动吹管规范和试验
发布日期: 2023-10-17
本文件规定了吸气式手动吹管的要求和试验方法。 本文件适用于用于铜焊、焊接、加热、熔化和其他相关热处理的吹管,这些吹管使用燃料气体和吸入空气(喷射器型吹管),旨在供手动使用。 本文件适用于: —?空气抽吸式手动吹管,其通过气体供应软管在由调节器控制的压力下被供应气相的燃料气体; —?通过气体供给软管供给容器压力下的气相液化燃料气体的吸气式手吹管; —?所谓的液相吹管,其被供给液相的燃料气体,并且其中热蒸发发生在吹管内。 它不适用于燃气以液相离开喷射器的吹管,也不适用于-称为“筒式”吹管,其中气体供应直接固定在吹管上并可能构成柄。 笔记?数字?图1至图4仅用于指导,以便于对术语的解释。它们没有指定构造细节,这由制造商自行决定。

This document specifies requirements and test methods for air-aspirated hand blowpipes.

This document applies to blowpipes for brazing, soldering, heating, fusion and other allied thermal processes which use a fuel gas and aspirated air (injector-type blowpipes) and are intended for manual use.

This document is applicable to:

     air-aspirated hand blowpipes which are fed with a fuel gas in the gaseous phase, at a controlled pressure by a regulator, through a gas supply hose;

     air-aspirated hand blowpipes which are fed with a liquefied fuel gas in the gaseous phase at the container pressure, through a gas supply hose;

     so-called liquid-phase blowpipes which are fed with a fuel gas in the liquid phase, and where thermal evaporation takes place within the blowpipe.

It does not apply to blowpipes in which the fuel gas leaves the injector in the liquid phase, or to so-called “cartridge” blowpipes where the gas supply is fixed directly onto the blowpipe and possibly constitutes the shank.

NOTE            Figures 1 to 4 are given for guidance only, to facilitate the explanation of the terms. They do not specify the construction details, which are left to the discretion of the manufacturer.

归口单位: ISO/TC 44/SC 8