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现行 SAE J1250_200009
In-Service Brake Performance Test Procedure--Vehicles Over 4500 kg (10 000 lb) 在役制动性能测试程序 - 车辆超过4500公斤(10 000磅)
发布日期: 2000-09-29
本SAE推荐规程为车辆额定总重超过4500 kg(10 000 lb)的车辆制动性能水平道路试验建立了一系列统一的实用子程序。本实践的目的是建立一种统一的方法,供操作员和执法机构使用,以评估GVWR和GCWR超过4500 kg(10 000 lb)的车辆在任何负载条件下的制动系统状况。通过遵循所阐述的测试程序,操作者和/或执法机构可以确定车辆是否满足适用的州和联邦法规的行车制动器和紧急制动器停止距离要求。
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes a uniform practical series of subprocedures for level road testing of the brake performance of vehicles with gross vehicle weight ratings over 4500 kg (10 000 lb). The purpose of this practice is to establish a uniform method for use by operators and law enforcement agencies, to evaluate the condition of the brake systems of vehicles with GVWRs and GCWRs over 4500 kg (10 000 lb) under any condition of loading. By following the test procedures set forth, the operator and/or law enforcement agencies can ascertain if the vehicle meets the service brake and emergency brake stopping distance requirements of applicable State and Federal regulations.
归口单位: COMVC