Water quality. Sampling-Guidance on sampling of bottom sediments from rivers, lakes and estuarine areas
水质 取样
BS ISO 5667-12:2017提供了用于测定的松散沉积物取样指南
本文件中明确排除了沉积物(ISO 5667-15对其进行了说明),但
本文件和参考文件可参考ISO 5667-
17.这种指导。交叉引用:ISO 5667-15:2009 Ed 2ISO 5667-1:2006 Ed 2(R10)ISO 16665:2014 ED2ISO 5667-19:2004 Ed 1ISO 18400-102:2017EN 14184:2014EN 16260:2012ISO 5667-17:2008EN 13946:2014ISO 6107-2:2006 Ed 4ISO 2854ISO 10870:2012 ED1ISO 2602购买本文件时可提供的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 5667-12:2017 provides guidance on the sampling of unconsolidated sediments for the determination
of their geological, physical and chemical properties, as well as the determination of biological,
microbiological and chemical properties at the water and sediment interface. Guidance on achieving
sediment cores is given specifically for the measurement of rates of deposition and detailed strata
delineation. The main emphasis of this document is to provide methods that achieve sediment samples.The environments considered arelimnic (rivers, streams and lakes, natural and man-made), andestuarine, including harbours.Industrial and sewage works for sludges, paleolimnological sampling and sampling of open ocean
sediments are specifically excluded from this document (and are addressed in ISO 5667-15), although
some techniques may apply to these situations. Sampling of suspended solids is outside the scope of
this document and reference can be made to ISO 5667-17 for such guidance.Cross References:ISO 5667-15:2009 Ed 2ISO 5667-1:2006 Ed 2 (R10) ISO 16665:2014 ED2ISO 5667-19:2004 Ed 1ISO 18400-102:2017EN 14184:2014EN 16260:2012ISO 5667-17:2008EN 13946:2014ISO 6107-2:2006 Ed 4ISO 2854ISO 10870:2012 ED1ISO 2602All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.