Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium. Calcined coke. Determination of particle size distribution
用于生产铝的含碳材料 煅烧焦炭 粒度分布的测定
BS ISO 12984:2018规定了一种测定焦炭样品粒度分布的方法,该样品具有延迟石油焦煅烧通常产生的典型粒度分布。同样的程序也适用于煅烧无烟煤的托运。本文件不适用于通过筛分和粉碎制备的碳材料部分或过滤细料。该方法适用于0.25 mm至16 mm范围内的粒径测定,因为该范围上下的粒径分布百分比之和通常小于10%。本文件不适用于测定0.25 mm以下的粒度,其中使用了特定的粉尘测试。交叉引用:ISO 565ISO 6375ISO 3310-1购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 12984:2018 specifies a method for the determination of the particle size distribution of a sample of coke having a typical size distribution as normally produced by calcination of delayed petroleum coke. The same procedure is applicable to consignments of calcined anthracite. This document does not apply to fractions of carbon material prepared by sieving and crushing or to filter fines.This method is applicable to the determination of particle sizes ranging from 0,25 mm to 16 mm, as the sum of the percentages of the size distribution above and below this range is typically less than 10 %. This document does not apply to determining particle sizes below 0,25 mm where a specific test for dust is used.Cross References:ISO 565ISO 6375ISO 3310-1All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.