Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for interfacial bond strength of ceramic materials at elevated temperatures
ISO 17095:2013规定了通过对交叉粘结试件进行压缩试验来测定陶瓷、陶瓷金属和陶瓷玻璃在高温下连接的界面拉伸和剪切粘结强度的试验方法。介绍了试样制备方法、试验模式和速率(载荷率或位移率)、数据收集和报告程序。
ISO 17095:2013主要适用于陶瓷材料,包括整体精细陶瓷和晶须、纤维或颗粒增强陶瓷复合材料。
ISO 17095:2013 specifies the method of test for determining the interfacial tensile and shear bond strength of ceramic-ceramic, ceramic-metal, and ceramic-glass joining at elevated temperature by the compression tests on the cross-bonded test pieces. Methods for test piece preparation, test modes and rates (load rate or displacement rate), data collection, and reporting procedures are addressed.
ISO 17095:2013 applies primarily to the ceramic materials, including monolithic fine ceramics and whisker-, fibre- or particulate-reinforced ceramic composites.