BS EN ISO 17989-1:2015 provides guidelines to assist designers and manufacturers of tractors
and machinery for agriculture and forestry to integrate sustainability principles, practices and
considerations into their organizations and processes. This part of ISO 17989 is specifically applicable
to equipment used in the production of food, fibres, fuel and lumber for humans and livestock.NOTE This part of ISO 17989 includes three different levels for the application: principles, recommendations
and additional information (annexes).This part of ISO 17989 is addressed to the organization management and provides guidance for
considering sustainability aspects relevant for the organization and the product life cycle. It defines the
factory gate as the system boundary (Figure 1).This part of ISO 17989 is not applicable to contractual or regulatory purposes or to registration and
certification.Except when they are closely related to sustainability, this part of ISO 17989 does not address issues
of occupational health and safety or operator safety aspects of a machine's design. Designers can find
guidance on these issues in other International Standards.Cross References:ISO 3600ISO 9000ISO 9001ISO 10987ISO 14001ISO 14006ISO 14020ISO 14031ISO 14040ISO 14044All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.