Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Definitions and characteristics of underlays-Underlays for walls
防水用柔性薄板 参考底图的定义和特征
交叉引用:EN 1107-1EN 1107-2EN 1109EN 1296EN 1848-1EN 1848-2EN 1849-1EN 1849-2EN 1928:2000EN 1931EN 12114EN 12310-1:1999EN 12311-1EN 13111EN 13416:2001EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009EN ISO 11925-2:2010EN ISO 12572ISO 12572:2001EN 13238EN 1382EN ISO 9001ISO 9001:200889/106/EECAll购买本产品时可提供的最新修订内容包括:文件。
Cross References:EN 1107-1EN 1107-2EN 1109EN 1296EN 1297EN 1848-1EN 1848-2EN 1849-1EN 1849-2EN 1928:2000EN 1931EN 12114EN 12310-1:1999EN 12311-1EN 13111EN 13416:2001EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009EN 15976EN ISO 11925-2ISO 11925-2:2010EN ISO 12572ISO 12572:2001EN 13238EN 13823EN ISO 9001ISO 9001:200889/106/EECAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.