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现行 RP-658
Algorithm for Design Analysis of Atrium Smoke Management Systems 中庭烟气管理系统的设计分析算法
本项目的主要目的是开发一种基于计算机的算法,可作为中庭烟雾管理系统的设计辅助。所开发的算法FMD可以预测由于各种火灾条件(无论是否有运行中的烟雾管理系统)导致的高空危险条件的发展。FMD能够解决混合火灾、瞬态条件以及两种烟雾管理系统之间的相互作用。除了根据NFPA 92B中规定的烟雾层位置和温度来描述危险条件外,该算法还可以评估烟雾层的物种浓度和光线遮蔽。本报告的一个重要方面是第二章,它描述了烟雾管理系统设计的基本原理。 本章提供了两个重要贡献。本章提供了两个重要贡献。首先,本章提供的大量代数方程可作为设计辅助。其次,提供这些方程式是为了允许设计师对烟雾管理系统或子系统性能的一个方面进行分析,以检查基于计算机的计算。
The principal purpose of this project is to develop a computer-based algorithm which can be used as a design aid for smoke management systems in atria. The developed algorithm, FMD, predicts the development of hazardous conditions in a tall space due to various fire conditions, either with or without an operating smoke management system.FMD is able to address the hybrid fires, transient conditions as well as the interaction between two types of smoke management systems. In addition to characterizing hazardous conditions in terms of smoke layer position and temperature as provided for in NFPA 92B, the algorithm can evaluate species concentration and light obscuration of a smoke layer.One important aspect of this report is the second chapter which describes the fundamentals of smoke management system design. This chapter provides two important contributions.This chapter provides two important contributions. First, the numerous algebraic equations provided throughout the chapter can be used as a design aid. Second, these equations are provided to permit designers to conduct analyses of one aspect of smoke management system or subsystem performance as a check to the computer-based calculations.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类