Removing T&O and Improving WQ with Biologically Active Carbon (BAC) Filter in Presence and Absence of Ozone: Pilot Scale Findings
在臭氧存在和不存在的情况下 用生物活性炭(BAC)过滤器去除T&O并改善WQ:中试规模的研究结果
This slide presentation outlines the pilot scale findings of a study on removing taste and odor (T&O) and improving water quality with biologically active carbon (BAC) filters in the presence and absence of ozone. Pilot objectives were to evaluate the effectiveness of:
pilot pretreatment unit in removing particulate,
organics and any T&O causing compounds;
BAC filters for removing T&O in presence and
absence of ozone; and,
impact of pH depression and peroxide addition on
ozonation for removing T&O. Observations include:
G/S filter configuration will not result in any compromise in particle
G/S and and A/S and filter performances are similar for natural organic matter (NOM);
G/S provides better seat for biological attachment/growth and may
improve NOM removal by biological degradation;
ozone can provide 0.5-log inactivation of Giardia at an applied
dose of approximately 2.5 mg/L (target a O3/TOC ratio of 0.5);
at an ozone dose of 2.5-2.7 mg/L (O3/TOC ratio of 0.5) will
provide up to 75 percent MIB removal and 45% TTHMs reduction;
adding H2O2 at a H2O2/O3 ratio may not enhance MIB removal; biological GAC (G/S) filters may provide up to 30-40 percent MIB
removal through biological oxidation;
biological Anthracite filters (A/S) show 10-18 percent MIB removal
through biological oxidation;
a process train consisting of clarification - ozonation - GAC
biofilters is expected to provide adequate particle, NOM and MIB
(90% or more) removal;
a process train consisting of clarification - GAC biofilters (without
ozone), NOM, MIB removal and TTHM reduction is expected to be
lower compared to the one including ozonation; and,
MIB removal in this process train is expected to be in the 30 to 40
percent range. Additional MIB removal need to be achieved with
the addition of PAC. Includes figures.