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现行 LV-11-007
Hot-Water Distribution System Piping Heat Loss Factors - Phase III: Test Results 热水分配系统管道热损失系数-第三阶段:试验结果
本文描述了在空气、阁楼和地板等各种环境中,对其他管道类型和尺寸进行的实验室试验结果,包括绝缘和非绝缘,并将其与作者之前在其他管道配置和环境中的试验结果进行了比较。测试的新管道包括空气和阁楼环境中的氯化聚氯乙烯(CPVC)和高密度交联聚乙烯(PEX),以及阁楼和地板环境中的硬铜。这些试验允许在各种不同的温度和流量条件下,在不同的绝缘水平下,计算测量的管道热损失(UA)系数。 该管道UA信息可用于估算任何所需温度和流量条件下的管道热损失和稳态温降。UA数据还可用于确定流量停止后的管道冷却速率。管道热损失数据是准确估计与管道系统相关的总能量损失所需信息的一个关键部分。这些能量损失效应不仅限于管道本身的能量损失,还包括,例如,由于需要将温度设置得更高以克服流经管道的水的温度降而导致的水箱热损失增加。 另一篇相关论文讨论了等待热水到达装置时的时间、水和能源浪费。引文:内华达州拉斯维加斯ASHRAE Transactions第117卷第1部分
This paper describes results of recent laboratory tests on additional piping types and sizes in a variety of environments including in-air, in-attic, and in-floor, both insulated and uninsulated, and compares them to previous test results by the author on other pipe configurations and environments. New pipes tested included chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) and high-density cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), in both inair and in-attic environments, and rigid copper, in both in-attic and in-floor environments. These tests allowed calculation of measured piping heat loss (UA) factors under a variety of different temperature and flow conditions, with various insulation levels. This piping UA information can be used to estimate piping heat loss and steady-state temperature drop under any desired temperature and flow conditions. The UA data can additionally be used to determine piping cool-down rates after flow has ceased. Piping heat loss data are one critical part of the information necessary to accurately estimate total energy losses associated with piping systems. These energy loss effects extend beyond just energy loss from the pipe itself, and include, for example, increases in tank heat loss caused by the need to set temperatures higher to overcome temperature drop of water flowing through the pipe. A separate related paper discusses time, water, and energy waste while waiting for hot water to arrive at fixtures.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类