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现行 SAE AS6316
Performance Standards for Oblique Facing Passenger Seats in Transport Aircraft 运输机斜向乘客座椅性能标准
发布日期: 2017-06-28
本SAE航空航天标准(AS)记录了对术语、合规性问题和乘员伤害标准的共同理解,以促进第25部分飞机专用斜向乘客座椅安装的设计和认证。 当前版本中列出的标准的适用性仅限于乘客朝向相对于飞机纵轴大于18°且不大于45°的方向的座椅。相对于飞机纵轴成大于30°角安装的座椅必须有能量吸收休息或肩带,并且必须满足中列出的标准 表2 以后的修订旨在为其他面向方向提供标准。 AS8049提供了前向和后向座椅的性能标准,AS8049/1提供了侧向座椅的性能标准。本文件包含与被取代的ARP6316相同的内容,并包括附加信息,以使本航空标准与AS8049/1关于股骨角度旋转传感器的使用保持一致。 尽管本文件中提出的问题和标准对于安装在第23部分飞机和第27部分和第29部分旋翼机中的倾斜座椅是常见的,但这些标准尚未针对这些类型的飞机进行验证。
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) documents a common understanding of terms, compliance issues, and occupant injury criteria to facilitate the design and certification of oblique facing passenger seat installations specific to Part 25 aircraft. The applicability of the criteria listed in this current release is limited to seats with an occupant facing direction greater than 18° and no greater than 45° relative to the aircraft longitudinal axis. Seats installed at angles greater than 30° relative to the aircraft longitudinal axis must have an energy absorbing rest or shoulder harness and must satisfy the criteria listed in Table 2 . Later revisions are intended to provide criteria for other facing directions. Performance criteria for forward and aft facing seats are provided in AS8049 and for side facing seats in AS8049/1. This document contains the same content as superseded ARP6316 with additional information included to align this Aerospace Standard with AS8049/1 regarding the use of the femur angular rotation sensor. Although the issues and criteria presented in this document are common with oblique facing seats installed in Part 23 aircraft and Parts 27 and 29 rotorcraft, these standards have not been validated for these types of aircraft.
归口单位: AEROC