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现行 SA-12-C019
A Simulation and Experimental Study of the Impact of Passive and Active Facade Systems on the Energy Performance of Building Perimeter Zones 被动和主动立面系统对建筑周边区域能量性能影响的模拟和实验研究
不同建筑和位置的立面优化配置涉及一个复杂的决策过程。本文提出了一种使用开源语言评估被动和主动多段立面系统综合能量性能的方法,该系统与周边建筑区域的照明和热控制相结合。热网络方法用于预测室内热环境条件和周边区域的年能耗,周边区域配备了被动和主动立面系统的组合,如选择性嵌装玻璃、半透明窗格玻璃、机动遮阳帘和百叶窗,以及与日光相关的照明控制。该模型使用各向异性天空模型精确预测太阳增益、可变角度玻璃特性和瞬态照明模拟。 一个带有一扇外窗的简单私人办公室被用作初步案例研究。在有阴影和无阴影的全尺寸实验室中进行的实验测量被用来与模拟结果进行比较,以验证开发的模型。然后对模型进行扩展和推广,以包括多段立面的影响,从而评估玻璃和遮阳配置对能源需求和热舒适性的综合影响。这项研究为未来的建模工具提供了基础,该工具可用于优化多功能动态立面系统的设计。引用:ASHRAE Trans。,第118卷第。德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥2号
Optimal configuration for facades across different buildings and locations involves a complex decision-making process. This paper presents a method for assessing the integrated energy perfoamrnce of passive and active multi-section façade systems combined with lighting and thermal controls of perimeter building zones using an open source language. A thermal network approach is used to predict indoor thermal environmental condition and annual energy consumption of perimeter zones equipped with combinations of passive and active façade systems such as selective glazings, translucent pane3ls, motorized shades and blinds, in conjunction with daylight-linked lighting controls. The model uses anisotropic sky models for an accurate prediction of solar gains, variable angular glazing properties and transient lighting simulation. A simple private office with one exterior window is used as an initial case study. Experimental measurements in full-scale laboratories with and without shading were used to compare to simulation results in order to validate the developed models. Then the model is expanded and generalized to include the impact of multi-sectional facades in order to evaluate the combined impact of glazing and shading configurations on energy demand and thermal comfort. This study presents a basis for a future modeling tool that can be used to optimize the design of multifunctional, dynamic façade systems.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类