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现行 CAN/CSA Z223.2-M86(R1999)
Method for the Continuous Measurement of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Sulphur Dioxide and Oxides of Nitrogen in Enclosed Combustion Flue Gas Streams 封闭燃烧烟气流中氧气、二氧化碳、一氧化碳、二氧化硫和氮氧化物的连续测量方法
发布日期: 2000-02-19
1.范围1。1一般1.1.1本标准适用于(a)氧(O2)浓度的连续测量(见第6.1条);(b) 二氧化碳(CO2)(见第6.2条);(c) 一氧化碳(CO)(见第6.3条);(d) 二氧化硫(SO2)(见第6.4条);和(e)氮氧化物(NOx);从封闭气流中连续提取燃烧气体样品(见第6.5条)。注:本标准中提及的浓度基于25°C的温度?C和101.3 kPa的大气压,除非另有说明,否则为单位体积质量。在本标准中,所有百分比(%)或百万分之一(ppm)浓度均按体积计算。使用这些原理的商用仪器可能会超过第1.1.1(a)、(b)和(c)条中规定的浓度限值。1.1.2本标准描述了允许准确且可重复测定氧气、二氧化碳、一氧化碳、二氧化硫、二氧化碳和二氧化碳浓度的试验程序和设备,以及封闭燃烧流出物流中的氮氧化物及其质量流量。 1.1.3本标准主要用于气体净化设备前后、排放到大气中之前以及常规燃烧过程控制目的的常规燃料燃烧设备。它可能适用于直接燃料燃烧设备,其中可能影响测量的化学反应被认为是可忽略的或易于计算的。1.1.4本标准可作为评估成分气体替代测量技术的基础。然而,在接受替代方法时,需要通过测试来确定等效程度。1.2模拟人们认识到,某些燃烧过程和情况可能会限制本标准的应用。如果存在此类情况,则必须谨慎行事,并做出适当的技术判断,尤其是在处理以下任何情况时: (a) 腐蚀性或高反应性成分;(b) 高真空或高压;(c) 高温;(d) 湿烟道流;(e) 由于无法控制的工艺变化而引起的速度或体积流量和/或温度波动(见附录G);或(f)延长运营期。
1. Scope1.1General 1.1.1This Standard applies to the continuous measurement of the concentrations of (a) oxygen (O2) (see Clause 6.1); (b) carbon dioxide (CO2) (see Clause 6.2); (c) carbon monoxide (CO), (see Clause 6.3); (d) sulphur dioxide (SO2) (see Clause 6.4); and (e) nitrogen oxides (NOx); in a continuously extracted sample of combustion gases from an enclosed gas stream (see Clause 6.5).Note:Concentrations referred to in this Standard are based on a temperature of 25?C and an atmospheric pressure of 101.3 kPa and are mass per unit volume unless otherwise stated. All percentage (%) or parts per million (ppm) concentrations are by volume throughout this Standard. Commercially available instrumentation using these principles may be capable of exceeding the concentration limits specified in Clause 1.1.1 (a), (b), and (c).1.1.2This Standard describes test procedures and equipment that will permit accurate and reproducible determination of the concentration of oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in enclosed combustion effluent streams and their mass flowrates.1.1.3This Standard is intended for use mainly on conventional fuel-fired equipment both before and after gas cleaning equipment, prior to the emission of the effluent stream into the atmosphere, and for routine combustion process control purposes. It may apply to direct fuel-fired equipment where chemical reactions that can affect the measurements are considered negligi ble or are amenable to calculation.1.1.4This Standard may be used as a basis for evaluating alternative measuring techniques for the constituent gases.However, in accepting alternative methods, tests are required to determine the degree of equivalence.1.2Limitations It is recognized that there will be some combustion processes and situations that may limit the application of this Standard. Where such conditions exist, caution and competent technical judgement m ust be exercized, specifically when dealing with any of the following: (a) corrosive or highly reactive components; (b) high vacuum or high pressure; (c) high temperature; (d) wet flue streams; (e) fluctuations in velocity or volumetric flowrate and/or temp erature due to uncontrollable process variations (see Appendix G); or (f) extended operating periods.
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