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现行 VC-21-C016
Modeling Modern, Residential, Combined Space and Water Heating Systems Using EnergyPlus 使用EnergyPlus对现代、住宅、组合空间和水暖系统进行建模
空间和水联合供暖系统(combis)使用一台燃气设备来满足生活热水和住宅应用中的空间供暖需求。虽然这项技术以不同的形式存在了几十年,但直到最近,人们对这种方法的兴趣才开始再次增长。高效(即“紧凑型”)住宅的出现以及大容量无水箱热水器的可用性,使得基于后者的combi系统在降低此类住宅中化石燃料的总体消耗方面可能非常有效。在过去十年中,收集了大量关于combi系统性能的数据,包括现场和实验室的数据。这项工作的重点是利用性能数据和简单的热力学模型,通过EnergyPlus等工具预测无罐梳棉机的能源使用。 讨论了当前的能力和局限性,以及可能的不确定性来源。引文:2021篇虚拟会议论文
Combined space and water heating systems (combis) use a single gas-fired appliance to cover both the domestic hot water as well as space heating demand in residential applications. While this technology has existed in different forms for decades, only recently has interest in the approach begun to grow again. Emergence of high efficiency, i.e., "tight", homes and the availability of high capacity tankless water heaters, make combi systems based on the latter potentially very effective at reducing the overall consumption of fossil fuels in such dwellings. Over the past ten years, extensive data on the performance of combi systems, both in the field and in the lab has been collected. This work focused on utilizing performance data and simple thermodynamic models for tankless combis to predict their energy use with tools like EnergyPlus. Current capabilities and limitations are discussed, as well as possible sources of uncertainty.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类