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现行 AWWA ACE54252
Removal of Heavy Metals Using Impregnated Activated Carbons 用浸渍活性炭去除重金属
发布日期: 2001-06-01
本研究的目的是确定使用浸渍活性炭去除水溶液中各种重金属的效果。将两种浸渍剂(氧化铁和陶瓷阳离子交换剂)浸渍到两种不同的商用活性炭上,所得产物分别称为FeAC和HD4000-ATC。在第一阶段的研究中,通过酸碱滴定法在几个离子强度下表征了未浸渍和浸渍碳的酸碱行为,并测定了碳的pHzpc。浸渍碳需要更多的酸/碱来改变pH值,这表明与未浸渍碳相比,有更多的表面位置可用于金属去除。在第二阶段中,对浸渍和非浸渍材料形成pH吸附边缘(去除的金属与pH的比值)- 使用1 mg/L的As(III)、As(V)、Hg(II)和Pb(I1)溶液浸渍碳。对于所研究的所有碳,所有金属的吸附都是pH值的函数。在所有pH值下,浸渍活性炭比未浸渍活性炭去除的金属(不包括汞)显著更多。Freundlich和Langmuir等温线关系是pH值的函数。浸渍活性炭对重金属的吸附是成功的,需要使用连续流动过程进行进一步研究。包括18个参考文献、图表。
The objective of this research was to determine the efficacy of using impregnated activated carbons for the removal of various heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Two impregnates (iron oxide and a ceramic cationic ion-exchanger) were impregnated onto two different commercial activated carbons and the resultant products were called FeAC and HD4000-ATC, respectively. In the first phase of research, acid-base behaviors of the non-impregnated and impregnated carbons were characterized at several ionic strengths by acidimetric-alkalimetric titrations and the pHzpc of the carbons was determined. The impregnated carbons required more acid/base to alter the pH, indicating that there were more surface sites available for metal removal in comparison with non-impregnated carbons. In the second phase, pH-adsorption edges (% metal removed versus pH) were developed for the impregnated and non-impregnated carbons using 1 mg/L solutions of either As(III), As(V), Hg(II), and Pb(I1). For all carbons studied, adsorption of all metals was a function of pH. The impregnated activated carbons removed significantly more metals (excluding Hg) than their non-impregnated counterparts at all pH values. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm relationships were developed as a function of pH. Adsorption of heavy metals onto impregnated activated carbons was successful and warrants further investigation using continuous flow processes. Includes 18 references, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会