LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities. Specification for power cables having rated voltages of 3.8/6.6 kV and 6.35/11 kV with special fire performance for use in power stations-Single core and 3-core cables with halogenated materials and with aluminium or steel wire armouring
配电和发电设施用低压和中压聚合物绝缘电缆 电站用具有特殊防火性能的额定电压为3.8/6.6 kV和6.35/11 kV的电力电缆规范 含卤化材料和铝的单芯和三芯电缆
To be read in conjunction with BS 7870-1,BS 7870-2Cross References:CENELEC HD 603 S1:1994CENELEC HD 604 S1:1994CENELEC HD 605 S1:1994CENELEC HD 620 S1:1996CENELEC HD 622 S1:1996CENELEC HD 626 S1:1996CENELEC HD 627 S1:1996BS 6360BS 7870-1BS 7870-2:1999BS 7870-7.2BS EN 50265-2-1BS EN 60811-1-1:1995BS EN 60811-1-2:1995BS EN 60811-1-3:1995BS EN 60811-1-4:1995BS EN 60811-2-1:1995BS EN 60811-3-1:1995BS EN 60811-3-2:1995BS ISO 4589-2:1996