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现行 ISO 7240-13:2020
Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 13: Compatibility assessment of system components 火灾探测和报警系统第13部分:系统部件的兼容性评估
发布日期: 2020-09-03
本文件规定了火灾探测和报警系统、消防系统和语音报警系统组件的兼容性和可连接性评估要求。 本文件仅包括兼容性评估所需的系统要求。 本文件还规定了火灾探测和火灾报警系统与其他系统连接时的完整性要求。 本文件未规定系统在任何特定应用中的设计、安装和使用方式。 本文件不包括火灾探测和报警系统(FDA)中未包含的组件或功能,例如由建筑物管理系统执行的功能。 规定的评估方法允许在预定的操作和环境条件下达到可接受的置信度。 分布式功能所用传输路径的要求由相关ISO标准而非本文件涵盖。 本文件适用于部件与控制系统相连的系统- 以及指示设备(CIE),以及组件通过电线或光纤或射频链路或其任何组合互连的位置。 ISO 7240-25提供了有关使用射频链路的系统的附加信息和要求。 注:其他国际标准预计将涵盖火灾探测和火灾报警系统所连接的其他系统的要求。
This document specifies the requirements for compatibility and connectability assessment of the components of fire detection and alarm systems, fire protection systems and voice alarm systems. This document only includes system requirements when these are necessary for compatibility assessment. This document also specifies requirements for the integrity of the fire detection and fire alarm system when connected to other systems. This document does not specify the manner in which the system is designed, installed and used in any particular application. This document does not cover components or functions which are not included in the fire detection and alarm systems (FDAS), such as functions performed by a building management system. Methods of assessment are specified to permit an acceptable degree of confidence within predetermined operational and environmental conditions to be achieved. The requirements for the transmission path used for a distributed function are covered by a relevant ISO standard and not by this document. This document is applicable to systems where the components are connected to control-and-indicating equipment (CIE) and where the components are interconnected by electrical wires or optical fibre or by radio frequency links or by any combination of these. ISO 7240-25 provides additional information and requirements about systems using radio frequency links. NOTE Other International Standards are expected to cover the requirements of other systems to which the fire detection and fire alarm system is connected.
归口单位: ISO/TC 21/SC 3