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现行 ASTM E1347-06(2020)
Standard Test Method for Color and Color-Difference Measurement by Tristimulus Colorimetry 通过三刺激比色法进行颜色和色差测量的标准测试方法
发布日期: 2020-05-01
1.1 本试验方法涵盖使用三刺激比色计(也称为三刺激滤光片比色计或色差计)对产生色坐标和色差值的样品进行仪器测量。 1.2 本试验方法规定了使用半球形光学测量系统(如积分球)或双向光学测量系统(如环形、圆周或单面45:0和0:45几何形状)通过反射或透射光测量色坐标和色差。 1.3 由于三刺激色度计的绝对精度有限,本试验方法规定,当需要颜色坐标时,应使用与试样光谱(颜色)和几何特征相似的标准对仪器进行标准化。本标准也称为产品标准。使用具有适当稳定性的产品标准是非常可取的。 1.4 由于三色刺激色度计不提供有关样品反射率或透射率曲线的任何信息,因此它们不能用于获得任何关于同色异谱或参数的信息。 1.5 由于三色刺激(滤光)色度计无法检测样本的同色异谱或参数,本试验方法规定,当需要色差时,两个样本必须具有相似的光谱(颜色)和几何特征。在这种情况下,可以使用白色反射率标准对仪器进行反射率测量标准化,或者,对于透射比测量,在样品位置没有样品或标准。 1.6 该测试方法通常适用于所有光泽级别的任何非荧光、平面、物体颜色样本。 用户必须确定符合此方法的仪器是否产生有助于评估和表征反光样品或具有光学结构的样品的结果。 1.7 本试验方法不适用于分光计的使用,分光计是一种提供色度数据但不提供基础光谱数据的分光计。实践中包括使用分光光度计进行测量 E1164 分光光度法测色方法。 1.8 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。 本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.9 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 获得物体颜色的色差和色坐标的最直接和最容易的方法是使用色度计或分光光度计以及半球或双向光学测量系统进行仪器测量。 本试验方法提供了使用带有双向或半球形光学测量系统的色度计进行此类测量的程序。 5.2 本试验方法适用于测量物体颜色样本的非金属、非参数对的色差,或大多数此类样本的颜色坐标。使用具有半球几何形状的色度计的另一个限制是存在色度积分球误差,当使用白色标准对色度计进行标准化时,该误差阻碍了颜色坐标的精确测量。 4. 5.3 对于通过本试验方法测量反光试样,建议使用双向几何形状(见指南 E179 和实践 E805 ). 注3: 为了确保反光试样测量中仪器间的一致性,公差比实践中给出的公差要严格得多 E1164 在关于45°:正常(45:0)和正常:45°(0:45)的流入和流出条件的章节中,仪器照明和观察角度需要反射系数。正在制定所需公差的信息。 5.4 使用色度计获得准确颜色坐标的要求是光源、滤波器和检测器特性的组合,以准确复制CIE标准光源和观察者的组合特性。 当不满足此要求时,本试验方法需要使用当地标准来提高色坐标测量的准确性(另请参见 4.2 ). 对于测量非金属、非参数样本之间的微小色差,绝对色坐标的精度不太重要,使用白色标准对色度计进行标准化是令人满意的。然而,准确的色差测量要求样品对具有相似的光谱和几何特征。
1.1 This test method covers the instrumental measurement of specimens resulting in color coordinates and color difference values by using a tristimulus colorimeter, also known as a tristimulus filter colorimeter or a color-difference meter. 1.2 Provision is made in this test method for the measurement of color coordinates and color differences by reflected or transmitted light using either a hemispherical optical measuring system, such as an integrating sphere, or a bidirectional optical measuring system, such as annular, circumferential, or uniplanar 45:0 and 0:45 geometry. 1.3 Because of the limited absolute accuracy of tristimulus colorimeters, this test method specifies that, when color coordinates are required, the instrument be standardized by use of a standard having similar spectral (color) and geometric characteristics to those of the specimen. This standard is also known as a product standard. The use of a product standard of suitable stability is highly desirable. 1.4 Because tristimulus colorimeters do not provide any information about the reflectance or transmittance curves of the specimens, they cannot be used to gain any information about metamerism or paramerism. 1.5 Because of the inability of tristimulus (filter) colorimeters to detect metamerism or paramerism of specimens, this test method specifies that, when color differences are required, the two specimens must have similar spectral (color) and geometric characteristics. In this case, the instrument may be standardized for reflectance measurement by use of a white reflectance standard or, for transmittance measurement, with no specimen or standard at the specimen position. 1.6 This test method is generally suitable for any non-fluorescent, planar, object-color specimens of all gloss levels. Users must determine whether an instrument complying with this method yields results that are useful to evaluate and characterize retroreflective specimens, or specimens having optical structures. 1.7 This test method does not apply to the use of a spectrocolorimeter, which is a spectrometer that provides colorimetric data, but not the underlying spectral data. Measurement by using a spectrocolorimeter is covered in Practice E1164 and methods on color measurement by spectrophotometry. 1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.9 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 The most direct and accessible methods for obtaining the color differences and color coordinates of object colors are by instrumental measurement using colorimeters or spectrophotometers with either hemispherical or bidirectional optical measuring systems. This test method provides procedures for such measurement by use of a colorimeter with either a bidirectional or a hemispherical optical measuring system. 5.2 This test method is suitable for measurement of color differences of nonmetameric, nonparameric pairs of object-color specimens, or color coordinates of most such specimens. A further limitation to the use of colorimeters having hemispherical geometry is the existence of a chromatic integrating-sphere error that prevents accurate measurement of color coordinates when the colorimeter is standardized by use of a white standard. 4 5.3 For the measurement of retroreflective specimens by this test method, the use of bidirectional geometry is recommended (see Guide E179 and Practice E805 ). Note 3: To ensure inter-instrument agreement in the measurement of retroreflective specimens, significantly tighter tolerances than those given in Practice E1164 in the section on Influx and Efflux Conditions for 45°:Normal (45:0) and Normal:45° (0:45) Reflectance Factor are required for the instrument angles of illumination and viewing. Information on the required tolerances is being developed. 5.4 A requirement for the use of a colorimeter to obtain accurate color coordinates is that the combination of source, filter, and detector characteristics to duplicate accurately the combined characteristics of a CIE standard illuminant and observer. When this requirement is not met, this test method requires the use of local standards for improving accuracy in the measurement of color coordinates (see also 4.2 ). For the measurement of small color differences between nonmetameric, nonparameric specimens, accuracy in absolute color coordinates is less important and standardization of the colorimeter by use of a white standard is satisfactory. However, accurate color-difference measurement requires that specimen pairs have similar spectral and geometric characteristics.
归口单位: E12.02
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