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现行 IEEE 1526-2020
IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing the Performance of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems IEEE独立光伏系统性能测试推荐规程
发布日期: 2021-08-05
独立光伏(PV)系统为负载以及蓄电池存储系统提供能量,蓄电池存储系统在夜间或光伏阵列输出不足时为负载供电。本推荐规程提供了评估独立光伏系统性能的测试方法和程序,包括光伏组件、充电控制器、电池和负载。本推荐规程提供了系统级测试,可在测试实验室或由现场合格人员使用适当的测试设备进行。这些测试旨在评估系统设计(包括在最坏情况下)和性能声明的充分性。他们需要大约一个月才能完成。 这些测试不涉及组件或系统的可靠性、质量问题、安全性或任何规范的合规性(例如:。 g、 《国家电气安全规范》(NEC(R))[B6]2)。这些测试不包括连接到电力设施的光伏系统。测试结果仅与测试的系统相关。如果光伏系统或负载发生任何变化,则应在修改后的系统上重新进行测试。可能需要在负载上运行性能测试。此类测试可在其他文件中找到,例如,Servant和Aigullon[B7]描述了如何在光伏系统中测试灯具。然而,此类试验超出了本推荐规程的范围,可能需要专门的试验设备和程序。
Stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) systems provide energy to a load as well as to a battery storage system that powers the load at night or other times when the PV array output is insufficient. This recommended practice provides test methods and procedures for assessing the performance of stand-alone PV systems that include PV modules, charge controller, batteries, and loads. This recommended practice provides testing on a system level that can be performed at a test laboratory or by qualified personnel in the field with the appropriate test equipment. These tests are intended to evaluate the adequacy of the system design (including under worst-case conditions) and performance claims. They require about one month to complete. These tests do not address component or system reliability, quality issues, safety, or compliance to any Codes (e.g., the National Electrical Safety Code(NESC(R)) [B6]2). These tests do not cover PV systems connected to an electric utility. Test results are only relevant to the system tested. If the PV system or load changes in any way, then the tests should be rerun on the modified system. It may be desired to run performance tests on the load(s). Such tests may be found in other documents, for example, Servant and Aigullon [B7] describe how to test a lamp in a photovoltaic system. Such tests, however, are beyond the scope of this recommended practice and may require specialized test equipment and procedures.