NO DIALYSIS PROFESSIONAL, FACILITY, OR MANUFACTURERof dialysis equipment or products should be without the complete collection of current dialysis standards, and technical information reports from AAMI. You can now purchase these AAMI dialysis guidance documents in book format or on CD.Dialysis and AAMI Standards on CD - Dialysis Edition contain the following documents:RD52:2004, Dialysate for hemodialysis,1edRD5:2003, Hemodialysis systems, 3edRD61:2000, Concentrates for hemodialysisRD62:2001,Water treatment equipment for hemodialysis applicationsRD16:1996 and A1:2002, Hemodialyzers, 2ed and amendmentRD17:1994 and A1:2002, Hemodialyzer blood tubing, 2ed and amendmentRD47:2002, Reuse of hemodialyzers, 3ed and amendmentTIR6:1990, Reuse of hemodialyzer blood tubing, 1ed