BS PD ISO/TR 24679-3:2015 provides a fire safety engineering application relative to fire resistance
assessment of an open car park according to the methodology given in ISO/TS 24679. This report
describes the adopted process which followed the same step by step procedure as that given within
ISO/TS 24679. The Annexes of this Technical Report presents the detailed numerical analysis results
obtained for most severe fire scenarios on the basis of this specific fire safety engineering procedure
for open car parks.The fire safety engineering applied here to open car parks, with respect to their fire resistance,
considers specific design fire scenarios as well as corresponding fire development. It takes account of
localized heating, global structural behaviour rather than single structural member resistance, etc.In fact, in case of fire in open car parks, only a small part of structure will be exposed directly to fire
because of the limited fire spread due to open environment as well as rapid fire brigade intervention. In
consequence, the load redistribution to cold parts might become possible and can be taken into account
through global structural analysis.This kind of approach based on 3D modelling of the mechanical response of composite floor was
already used in various fire safety engineering projects in France to check the stability of unprotected
composite steel framed open car parks subject to most severe real fire scenarios.Finally, it should be mentioned that these severe fire scenarios have been selected for fire resistance
purposes only. They should not be used, for example, for smoke control purposes.Cross References:ISO/TS 24679:2011EN 1990:2002EN 1991-1-2:2002EN 1992-1-2:2004EN 1994-1-1:2004EN 1994-1-2:2005All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.