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现行 SAE ARP1524A
Surface Preparation and Priming of Aluminum Alloy Parts for High Durability Structural Adhesive Bonding 高耐久性结构胶接用铝合金零件的表面处理和底漆
发布日期: 2013-07-19
本航空航天推荐规程(ARP)描述了铝合金零件表面处理和底漆的处理系统和技术,用于结构粘合,以实现最佳粘合线耐久性、耐腐蚀性和制造可生产性。虽然这种表面处理已经针对两种高强度铝合金2024和7075进行了开发和验证,但在硬化条件下,它预计将适用于其他合金和回火。该表面处理系统经验证适用于180华氏度(82摄氏度)和250华氏度(121摄氏度)固化弹性体- 改性环氧胶粘剂和防腐底漆。本文描述的过程是结构和耐久性性能实验室评估的结果。
This Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) describes the processing system and techniques for the surface preparation and priming of aluminum alloy parts for structural adhesive bonding to achieve optimum bondline durability, corrosion resistance, and manufacturing producibility. While this surface preparation has been developed and validated for two high strength aluminum alloys, 2024 and 7075, in the hardened condition it is expected to be applicable to other alloys and tempers. This surface preparation system has been validated for use with 180 degrees F (82 degrees C) and with 250 degrees F (121 degrees C) curing elastomer-modified epoxy adhesive and corrosion-inhibiting primer. The processes described herein are the result of laboratory evaluation of structural and durability performance.