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现行 BS EN 1647:2018+A1:2021
Leisure accommodation vehicles. Caravan holiday homes. Habitation requirements relating to health and safety 休闲住宿车辆 大篷车度假屋 与健康和安全相关的居住要求
发布日期: 2021-08-25
本欧洲标准规定了旨在确保使用EN 13878中定义的大篷车度假屋作为临时或季节性住宿的人员的安全和健康的要求。它规定了大篷车度假屋的抗雪负荷等级和结构稳定性,以及用户手册中应包含的最低信息。它还规定了相应的测试方法。交叉引用:EN 12600EN 3-7HD 60364(所有部分)IEC 60364系列EN 13878 IEC 60598系列EN 722-1EN 721EN 1949EN 60598(所有部分)EN 624EN 747- 198/83/ECEN 1645-1ISO 3166-1EN ISO 7345EN 1646-1ISO 7345EN ISO 3166-1EN 1648-2EN 1648-1EN 13501-12009/142/E购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
This European Standard specifies requirements intended to ensure safety and health of persons using caravan holiday homes as defined in EN 13878, as temporary or seasonal accommodation.It specifies grades of resistance to snow loads and the stability of the structure of caravan holiday homes as well as the minimum information to be included in a user's handbook.It also specifies the corresponding test methods.Cross References:EN 12600EN 3-7HD 60364 (all parts)IEC 60364 seriesEN 13878IEC 60598 seriesEN 722-1EN 721EN 1949EN 60598 (all parts)EN 624EN 747-198/83/ECEN 1645-1ISO 3166-1EN ISO 7345EN 1646-1ISO 7345EN ISO 3166-1EN 1648-2EN 1648-1EN 13501-12009/142/ECAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会