Intelligent transport systems. Framework for collaborative Telematics Applications for Regulated commercial freight Vehicles (TARV)-Generic vehicle information
智能交通系统 受监管商业货运车辆(TARV)协同远程通信应用框架
Cross References:ISO 3166-1ISO 3166-2ISO 3779ISO/IEC 8824-1ISO/IEC 8824-2ISO/IEC 8824-3ISO/IEC 8824-4ISO/IEC 8825-2ISO 10918-1ISO 13183ISO 14816ISO 15638-1ISO 15638 -2ISO 15638 -3ISO 15638 -4ISO 17262ISO 21210ISO 21212ISO 21213ISO 21214ISO 21215ISO 21216ISO 21217ISO 21218ISO 25111ISO 25112ISO 25113ISO TS 26683-2ISO 29281ISO 29282ISO 29283ETSI TS 102 894ETSI TS 102 890-1ETSI TS 102 890-2EN 302 895 ISO/IE Directives, Part 2 ISO/IEC TR 10000-1 ISO 10241 ISO 128-30 ISO 128-34 ISO 128-40 ISO 128-44 ISO 80000 IEC 80000 IEC 60027 ISO 1000 ISO 690 ISO 690-2All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.