Space systems. Calibration requirements for satellite-based passive microwave sensors
太空系统 卫星无源微波传感器的校准要求
BS ISO 20930:2018定义了卫星无源微波传感器从设计到在轨运行的要求和验证方法。交叉引用:ISO 10795:2011ISO 14302MIL-STD-1541MIL-STD-461MIL-STD-462购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 20930:2018 defines the requirements and verification methods from design to on-orbit operation for Satellite Based Passive Microwave Sensors.Cross References:ISO 10795:2011ISO 14302MIL-STD-1541MIL-STD-461MIL-STD-462All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.