This powerpoint presentation presents a project to:
conduct piloting and related investigations in support
of a regional desalination facility;
up to 71 mgd finished water capacity for Bay Area
water agencies; and,
piloting will be conducted from July 2008 to January
2009. Pilot test objectives were to: determine preferred membrane treatment;
test technologies to maximize the plant efficiency;
test pretreatment residuals;
identify and test brine toxicities and potential impacts
of brine discharge;
test product water quality; and,
address potential for adverse environmental effects to
aquatic organisms due to source water intake. The experimental plan included the following: coagulation assessment, including
jar testing and
dose confirmation runs during startup;
pretreatment flux and recovery testing, including
1000 hours each trial and
test 3 fluxes, but target recovery > 94%;
RO flux and recovery testing, including
1000 hours each trial and
test baseline and challenge flux at 2 seasonal conditions;
cleaning efficiencies, including
determining flux restoration at each CIP. Includes tables, figures.