Protective clothing — Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash
ISO 9185:2007规定了一种评估服装材料耐热性的方法,以防止熔融金属大量飞溅。它提供了评估熔融铝、熔融冰晶石、熔融铜、熔融铁和熔融低碳钢飞溅影响的具体程序。试验方法的原理适用于比规定了具体程序的热熔材料范围更广的热熔材料,前提是采取适当措施保护试验操作员。
ISO 9185:2007 specifies a method for assessing the heat penetration resistance of materials intended for use in clothing to protect against large splashes of molten metal. It provides specific procedures for assessing the effects of splashes of molten aluminium, molten cryolite, molten copper, molten iron and molten mild steel. The principle of the test method is applicable to a wider range of hot molten materials than those for which specific procedures are set out, provided that appropriate measures are applied to protect the test operator.