Information on significant health and safety issues. Classifies hazards and risks for manufacturers, users and regulators to refer to.Cross References:CR 13456ISO/IEC Guide 51:1990BRL-K265/02 (Netherlands)BS 4156:1990BS 5852:1990BS 7175:1989BS 7177:1996BS EN 71-2:1994RAL GZ250:1991 (Germany)RAL GZ251:1992RAL GZ252Onorm S2023:1993 (Austria)76/0117/EEC76/0769/EEC77/0093/EEC79/0196/EEC79/0869/EEC80/0778/EEC80/1107/EEC83/0477/EEC86/0278/EEC86/117/EEC88/0379/EEC88/0642/EEC89/0391/EEC89/0392/EEC89/0656/EEC90/0394/EEC90/0667/EEC91/0155/EEC91/0325/EEC91/0382/EEC91/0659/EEC91/0676/EEC92/0059/EEC92/0118/EEC89/662/EEC90/425/EEC92/0010/EEC92/0103/EECEC Regulation 737:1990EC Regulation 598:1992EURATOM Regulation 3954:1987US Environmental Protection Agency. 40 CFR Parts 257, 403, 503:1994Norwegian regulation The requirement for care (State Pollution Control Authority)Norwegian regulation concerning trade in fertilizers and soil improvers etc. Ministry of Agriculture. 1996Dutch Royal Decree, Quality and use of Remaining Organic Fertilisers, 1993Regulations concerning trade in fertilizers and soil improvers issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, 199?EUR 14236 ENSwedish Regulations on the use of sewage sludgeEuropean Insulation Manufacturers Association. Code of Practice for Manufacturers and Users of insulation Wool. 1994 (Belgium)EPA 600/9-80-028 (USA)Warren Spring Laboratory Report No. LR 808 (MR)UK Department of the Environment. 1989. Code of Practice for agricultural use of Sewage sludgePublic Health England and Wales Public Health Scotland. The Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations 1989UK Coir Association. Code of Practice 1991WHO Radiation standards for foodstuffsICRP Publication. Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological ProtectionNRPB GS9:1987NF R 005:1988IRSA 64, CNR:1985 (Italy)US Environmental Protection Agency. Technical support document. Land application and distribution and marketing of sewage sludge. Report No. PB89-1365WHO Technical Report Series No. 505:1972